My mission
Get you fit in only 12 min !
I want you to have fun with the fastest and most efficient Workouts online and offline.
Build strength, endurance and flexibility, all in one.
Learn how to nourish your body and train your mind to become a healthier, more relaxed and a more powerful you.
guided nutrition and fitness plans

“Becoming a Fit Rebel is a lifestyle. a body & mind program designed to unlock the best version of you.”
get FIT ANYwhere, ANYtime

the fit rebel story
Nastassia Syz, Founder
I am a French, Italian, Swiss girl who is nuts about sports, nutrition, and set on an everlasting quest to dedicate my life helping others to achieve a healthier and happier lifestyle. A former gymnastics performer, athlete and latin dance instructor, I have been a certified personal trainer since 2008. Living across Europe and Asia, I founded and managed various Health, Fitness & Gym studios (“Live On Health and Fitness”, “Top Fit”) teaching classes and motivating thousands of women and men over the years. Blessed with the opportunity to learn, practice and train all over the world with some of the most incredible Yoga mentors. Becoming a TRX instructor, Yoga Ashtanga teacher (RYT 200) and Zumba Instructor, I developed a system combining conventional and non-conventional training methods with rhythm and music to make workouts effective, intense and fun. The Fit Rebel blends all my years of experience with the latest trends across sports disciplines, nutrition scientists and meditation experts.
My wish is to help you find the path to true health and fitness in a sustainable, efficient way. Whether you are a beginner or a fitness pro, my method will help you unlock the Fit Rebel in you.